
Castration or in scientific term Orchiectomy is a difficult topic to discuss and most people do not feel easy talking about it. In the past, men whose testicles were removed were either prisoner of war, choir boys or even palace guard for the emperor but in modern society these days, testicles cancer and transgender were the most common why would someone choose to have their testicles removed. The least common one those who have a desire or fantasy to be castrated. I probably one of those men whose desire or fantasy turned into reality.

My decision to have orchiectomy at age of 31 would probably be the biggest one that I ever made.

**All names used in this blog are fictional to protect their identity except for Dr Preecha, Dr Burin, PAI (Preecha Aesthetic Institude) and Dr Graham**

****I owned most of the pictures except some source from google images. PLEASE DO NOT RE-BLOG WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION****

THIS IS A INFORMATION ONLY BLOG. The experience is mine solely and everyone is different. Your journey and experience might be different than mine but the effects are the same. I do hope you find this information helpful. 


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