Commonly asked Questions cont
RELIGION - Depending on your religion, some people believe that castration
will bring them to their god, or that their god demands it. The person must ask
themselves, in reality does castration really content with their religion for
the rest of their lives as people can departed from one religion to another and
there no turning back or change your mind after being castrated.
CASTRATION AND MUTILATION FETISHES - Some men like me feel sexually aroused by the
thought of castration, penectomy or other mutilation. Unfortunately the reality
of castration eliminates this erotic fantasy and is probably best this remain a
fantasy. Myself I fantasying about castration since I was still a teen but
just a fantasy until I am serious and decided that this is the best for me
and will have no regrets later in my life. I spoke to a number of people
online either through chat platform or forum a lot of guy think is
hot and the idea of being castrated is sexy but in reality is more than a
fantasy. Often a person with this fantasy either goes through with the reality
or unintentionally get himself castrated in an BDSM scene and in the
matter of days or even hours, the sex drive diminish to almost nothing and the
new eunuch finds that they no longer can enjoy their fantasy which
now become reality. The emotional and physiological of the new
eunuch would be devastating as he feels that he has lost his
manhood and he realizes that is forever infertile.
Some regretful eunuchs take testosterone
replacement but many finds it not the same as being their own natural hormones.
Even with hormones, some eunuchs cannot maintain steady hormones levels and
suffer from mood swings. Often the new eunuch are depress, and some even
attempted suicide. Only a small percentage of person with castration fetish
turn out to be happier as eunuch. As I said, Castration is not for everyone and
you must be ABSOLUTELY certain that this is what you want and will live
with the effects for the rest of your life.
NULLIFICATION - There is a small percentage of male who is not transgendered,
yet they seek to have their entire male genitals removed. There is story
on about a few who actually cut their penis and testicles
off. Those men are happy to live a life without a penis and testicles. These
men are different from those who merely have a castration fetish. Not
everyone will feel the same or seek the same goals as you or
MISCELLANEOUS - There a number of men who resorted to castration as treatment
for male pattern baldness or men seeking infertility. There are a many other
effects of castration and if one is seeking just stop male pattern baldness or
birth control, there more after effects that you might want them. Bottom line
is that, if you are happy being a male and like your sex drive and energy, then
castration is no for you and is best remain your fantasy.
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